
I just read an interesting article about the Carbon programming language, an intended successor programming language to C++.

While the article presented interesting content, I was also intrigued to learn about Compiler Explorer ( where at least 46 programming languages or their variants are supported.

The concept is not new, but I thought it was worth checking out. I definitely like that it supports Assembly, C, and Fortran, my tried and true favourites of years past and present.

How it works: Compiler Explorer — Matt Godbolt’s blog (

As of 2023-Jan-18:

  1. Ada

  2. Analysis

  3. Assembly

  4. C

  5. C#

  6. C++

  7. C++ (Circle)

  8. C++ for OpenCL

  9. CIRCT

  10. Clean

  11. Cpp2-cppfront

  12. Cppx

  13. Cppx-Blue

  14. Cppx-Gold

  15. Crystal

  16. D

  17. Dart

  18. Erlang

  19. F#

  20. Fortran

  21. Go

  22. Haskell

  23. HLSL

  24. Hook

  25. ispc

  26. Jakt

  27. Java

  28. Julia

  29. Kotlin

  30. LLVM IR

  31. MLIR

  32. Nim

  33. OCaml

  34. OpenCL C

  35. Pascal

  36. Pony

  37. Python

  38. Racket

  39. Ruby

  40. Rust

  41. Scala

  42. Solidity

  43. Swift

  44. TypeScript Native

  45. Visual Basic

  46. Zig